Technocom Soft

Mangal to Kruti Converter

How to Convert Unicode to Kruti Dev Font?
  • Register: To register the "Mangal to Kruti" click on the "Enter Activation key" Button and fill the Registration Detail with the Activation Code.
  • Buy : You have to Buy "Mangal to Kruti" to get Activation Code. You Can Buy it From our Site by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
  • Try Demo: You can use demo version of "Mangal to Kruti" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.
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With Mangal to Kruti Converter you can convert your existing document typed in Mangal/Arial Unicode font into Kruti With our improved conversion engine you can get accurate ANSI text. ALso you can leave english text as it is in converted text so that you don’t have to reformat your document for english. It means it supports true conversion. We also made it more user-friendly and easy to understand. You can directly save converted text in RTF/TXT format or you can Open the same in MS Word and Web browser.

Mangal to Kruti Converter Mangal to Kruti Converter

Conversion Process to convert your document into Kruti font simply open your document into Source Text by pressing “OPEN RTF/TXT FILE (MANGAL)” button or you can directly paste your text in Source Text Area. You can also append many files. After that just press “START CONVERSION (KRUTI)” button.

Step-1 : Click on "Help Menu" on Top.

Step-2 : Deactivate from current PC. CLICK on Transfer License Option.

Step-3 : Click on "Yes" Button and in last.

Step-4 : Click on "Ok" Button.

Mangal to Kruti Converter Mangal to Kruti Converter Mangal to Kruti Converter

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